
The Stand Tall AFC campaign brings aesthetic flat closure (AFC) to breast cancer events across the globe.

We believe visibility is important to post-mastectomy body image and empowers those impacted by breast cancer and genetic risks.

In three years, over 100 teams have been visible as women with one or no breasts at cancer events.

Over 1,500 advocates demonstrated that women are whole & loved despite the loss of breasts.

Over 100,000 event participants have been impacted through body positivity & flat visibility of Stand Tall AFC.

Survivorship Looks Like This For Millions of Women!

What’s Aesthetic Flat Closure?

Over 200,000 women have mastectomies to treat or reduce the risks of breast cancer in the U.S. each year. Patients have the option to have aesthetic flat closure (AFC), a smooth flat chest, or rebuild a breast mound through surgical procedures.

  • The nonprofit Not Putting On A Shirt collaborated with National Cancer Institute in 2020 to define the results patients want when they decline additional reconstruction surgeries: aesthetic flat closure
  • Before 2020, patients had no language other than “no reconstruction” which often resulted in uncomfortable, unwanted, and unsightly excess tissue
  • AFC empowers women to take control of their bodies and diminishes the shame experienced by many women due to the loss of a breast(s)
  • Today, approximately half facing mastectomy will choose “aesthetic flat closure” (AFC) and the other half choose implant or tissue flap reconstruction
  • Many women that choose implants or flaps will experience “reconstruction burnout” (up to 18%)… flat will choose them
  • AFC is not always presented to patients by surgeons due to surgical skill sets and bias, this despite the overwhelming health benefits of AFC — flat visibility is changing that!

  • VISIBILITY — seeing women without breast(s) at cancer events destigmatizes the effects of mastectomy.

  • DIGNITY — being whole is not dependent on breasts, hair or any body part lost to cancer or its prevention.

  • EMPOWERMENT — inclusion at cancer events is healing for those with AFC as well as others impacted by breast cancer.

  • INFORMED CHOICE — patients should be presented post-mastectomy options with parity which includes using aesthetic flat closure (AFC) to replace “no reconstruction”.

  • INCLUSION — STAFC teams support patient rights to all post-mastectomy options including AFC, implants and tissue reconstruction.

The flat visibility movement is seen across the globe at breast cancer events.

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Empowering women with one or no breasts after cancer treatment and prevention.